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Holy Hugs and Quiet Whispers

Debra McInvale

Original painting, oil on porcelain.

Your love, LORD, reaches to the heavens!

Psalm 36:5a NIV

By any chance, could you use a humongous, love-filled squeeze right about now? Or some whispers of encouragement?

Life has seemed out of control for an entire year now. A complete year! Hibernation simply does not suit us.

I don’t know about you, but I’m lonesome! Health issues and the dreaded COVID have made me a hermit. When doctor visits are your only social outings – its pitiful! And these days there are no outings with friends, no catching up over a burger, no haircuts, no pedicures. I have even stopped wearing makeup. Whoa. Scary.

I’m lonesome and look like a shaggy-haired hag. Plus, I have been talking to myself a bunch recently. (Is that good or bad?)

Oh, for the day when hugs will no longer be illegal and we can breathe on each other again.

Yet we need hugs now along with some whispers of encouragement. Right this minute! We thrive on them. Without them, we seem to wither.

So, where can we turn?

To Jesus! He wants to bless us with hugs, soul-reviving, life-enriching, everlasting hugs through the blessings He has just for us. Holy Hugs. Plus, He wants to whisper encouraging truths in our hearts through His Holy Word.

What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived - the things God has prepared for those who love him. 1 Corinthians 2:9 NIV
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. John 10:27 NIV

Jesus hugs and whispers today in uncountable ways. Have you heard Him? Listen!

If you have - fantastic. Tell us about it. If not - don’t worry. You can!

I am a Southern “girl” (can you hear the accent?); and I invite you to pull up a comfy chair and sit down with a glass full of cold, sweet, iced tea so we can talk about Jesus. We can chat for a few minutes or we can talk till the chickens come home. It’s up to you.

Beginning March 9th, I will meet you here every Tuesday with a new post. And then I’ll hang around to have conversations with you through the comments or emails.

Our conversations might be online and our faces mug shots from Facebook, but will you reach out to Christ with me as we share our stories? It will be nice to share in longer sentences than Facebook and Twitter allow. I call it having conversations in ink.

Hugs and blessings,



Lord Jesus, we bring you our hearts. We have many questions and many frustrations. We are lonely and going stir-crazy and short of breath behind our masks while what we long for is to live vibrant lives that make a difference. Please speak into our lives through your Holy Spirit. Bless us with Your Holy Hugs and Quiet Whispers of encouragement. We cannot do this thing called life without You. Amen


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Mar 11, 2021

Yes, it has been a long year, and I've missed being in my church, painting class and spending regular time with you, my friend. I've been grateful for e-mail and texts that have kept us connected.

I laughed at your "shaggy-haired hag" comment about yourself, because that's how I have felt. Got a haircut this week and feel human again. Last week, I put makeup on because I went to the doctor; first time in seven months. Felt so good, I'm going to paint my face more often just to make me feel better.

I so look forward to returning to our in-person visits that always included hugs. The good thing is, now that you are connecting with family an…

Debra McInvale
Debra McInvale
Mar 11, 2021
Replying to

This hibernation is getting very old, yes! We have had our shots now (makes it sound like we went to the vet!) but I'm still concerned about bringing germs home to son James now. Who knows when he can get the shot.

Its amazing how much better we feel when we actually wear nice clothes (other than pjs and t-shirts) and paint our faces. Paint that face, put on those jewels - you are worth it!

Thanks for your support, Linda!



Mar 10, 2021

I have written a reply twice but I don't see it. About the rooster. Don't think I tagged you. Not always sure how to do that.

Debra McInvale
Debra McInvale
Mar 11, 2021
Replying to

No problem. Thanks for sharing the post. I appreciate it much. And you are a winner!!


Mar 05, 2021

What a beautiful post! It felt like a spiritual hug to read it, so thank-you for sharing your words. I am so very sorry that you are still having to isolate and I pray that this all ends soon, very soon!! It has been a long year, full of all the emotions at once. On another note, I just remembered that I had a dream about your parents the other night. In the dream, David surprised me with an RV to replace our house and it was not a pleasant surprise, more like a Cousin Eddie Christmas Vacation surprise. I don't know what that part means, but in the dream, I was sulking in the RV in the middle…

Debra McInvale
Debra McInvale
Mar 08, 2021
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Too funny! But I know the hugs were wonderful! Thanks for sharing. And thanks much for your kind words about the blog. I hope you like them all. The one 3/9 is about Morton's rooster. I learned a lot from that chicken! Hugs to you, Debra


Mar 03, 2021

What a blessing you are to me and so many others. God bless this endeavor. Thank you for your kind spirit, your love, and your friendship. KarenTravis

Debra McInvale
Debra McInvale
Mar 04, 2021
Replying to

Karen, I am blessed to have you as a friend! Thank you for your prayers and support in my new adventure!


Elaine Harris Becker
Elaine Harris Becker
Mar 02, 2021

Debra, Thank you! Your blog is a precious gift to us from you. I am so glad that you have begun this journey and invited us to tag along.

Debra McInvale
Debra McInvale
Mar 04, 2021
Replying to

Elaine, thank you for your support and encouragement! Delighted you want to tag along.

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