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There Are Wrinkles On My Face!

Debra McInvale

What Will We Make of Our Remaining Days?

[All artwork featured in these posts is original, created by me, son James, or family members. This illustration by James is available in his Etsy shop via]

"Rainy Day" - Pen, Ink & Ink Wash by James McInvale,

We sang a wacky song as kids. “We have wrinkles on our face. Prunie has them everyplace!” It was funny then. Now? Well, let’s just say I am beginning to feel like that prune!

I’ve been thinking about age and lifespan recently. A lot. Granted I could get hit by a bus tomorrow or hit by a heart attack today. I realize that. Or miracles in medical science could help me live to 100. Only God knows what my timeline will be.

I have, however, been speculating on my potential lifespan anyway. Based on the ages of my family: If I live as long as mom did, I have 17 years to go. If I live as long as my grandmother, I have 11. In the scheme of life, that is not much! The bulk of my days are definitely behind me now.

I’m not trying to be negative or morbid. I do however want to make the point that, no matter our age, our lifespans on this planet are limited. We never know what tomorrow will bring. Yes, I’m definitely counting on life everlasting with Christ in whatever form that takes. I know my life does not end here, but my feet on this ground and in this body will end.

[God] creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does,

the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing.

Ephesians 2:10 MSG

Anyway, these thoughts bring up other considerations. Exactly what will I do with the days I have left to me here? My breathing is short and my back hurts. I could sit back in my recliner, look out the window at the rain and read. I could focus on enjoying myself and playing in the studio every day. I could easily spend money traveling. I’d really like to do all those things. No commitments. Just enjoy me. I’ve already played my part in life, right? I’ve had a career, cared for my family, worked in church, taken time for my friends. It’s my turn. Isn’t it?


Well, yeah, I will do those things at some point. I do need to tend my sanity, my rest, my health. I will take care of me and find joy in life. Those are good and necessary things. But those things cannot be the focus of my days. I do not want them to be.

Hand painted fruit on tiles by Debra McInvale

These considerations of time have served as a loud wakeup call to me. They are a call to get off my fanny and do something more useful, something that will somehow count for eternity. I refuse to allow age to get me down.

So, what will I do with the remainder of my days – whether they be 11 or 20 or 50? What will you do with yours?

From today onward, I am challenging myself to be more intentional about my time, my attitude, my purpose in this season of life. I choose for my days to contain as much meaning as possible rather than allowing them to slide by doing the same-ol-same-ol. (Wasn’t just yesterday August?)

I challenge you to do the same.

Let’s leave this world with a BANG and not a fizzle!

Hugs and blessings,


Dear Lord, no matter the days or years I have remaining on this earth, I long for them to all count for something good and right. It’s too easy to focus on me and what I want, what I need. Please bless me with the insight and energy and will to serve Your people and be Your hands and feet, arms and shoulders, ears and mouth. And may one day I hear You say to me, “Well done my good and faithful daughter.” Amen.



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2 commentaires

27 oct. 2021

Many have been blessed through the works of your hands, and now, through your words. Your blog encourages every reader each week. I've been blessed by them and often reminded of how God wants me to help others in some way. Good food for thought.


Jane Bowen
Jane Bowen
12 oct. 2021

Thanks for your reminders. Send you love.

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