An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.
Proverbs 18:15 ESV
This Stuff Under My Fingernails Is Not Chocolate. That was the inspiring title of the first book I intended to write after our son was born. Didn’t. Probably that’s a good thing. Motherhood for me was on-the-job-training without a textbook or a teacher. Consequently, I had nothing to teach and a bunch to learn.
As I write this, I am taking an online refresher class on altered paper and collage because I want to learn something new. We are never too old to open our minds to fresh ideas and new possibilities. We are never too old to learn something new. That is what keeps our brains healthy and life interesting. It is what helps us mature as people and as Christians, rather than stagnating in the same spot till the end of our days.
It also gives us a good inkling of what in life is important to us.
Once upon a time, in our young adult Sunday School class, the members were discussing what to study next. Some of us wanted to dig into Scripture and glean new insights. One young woman, however, an elementary school teacher, made this statement: “I don’t want to have to think on Sundays. I have to think all week.”
If we are going to make the effort to continue strengthening our minds, what do you imagine the subjects of our thinking should be? What would be the most important area of our lives to nurture and grow?
In the middle of all the scrubbing and cooking, messes and screw-ups I did as a new mom, it dawned on me one day that I do have the ultimate Textbook and Teacher after all. I finally realized that my own plodding ways, my uncertainty in the face of challenges, and my knee-jerk reactions to circumstances, did not have to determine the value of my days – or the value of me.
When I began to pay attention, I began to hear and see and feel the lessons, the nudges, the quiet words of wisdom aimed directly at me through the Word of God by the Holy Spirit. The Lord Himself was expanding my thinking. He was teaching me lessons on how to live.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.
Psalm 32:8 ESV
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 ESV
The key to the learning was this: I must pay attention to God and His Word.
Some days, I admit, this is easier said than done. Some days I mess up big time. Even so, three things the Lord has proven to me to be true:
He is with me all the time, ready to teach, no matter what is happening or how horrible I am acting.
When I focus on Him and not circumstances, I can learn valuable, hope-filled lessons.
There is always more to learn, especially about my Lord and Savior!
The Lord waits patiently to teach His people life lessons. He is ready when we are. So, sit up! Pay attention! Class is in session.
Hugs and blessings,

O Holy Lord, it is amazing to me that You choose to be personally involved in my life. Please help me to recognize Your presence more clearly and help me to discern the lessons You have to teach me. I need all the help I can get! Amen.

Thanks Debra!!!!!! So often, in this CRAZY World, as I go along day to day I forget to look for the lessons and joy God is putting RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! I pray God will remind me to slow down and realize that I am Life Long Learner for HIM! Love ya girl!!!!!!