See, I have written your name on the palms of my hands.
Isaiah 49:16 NLT
Christ’s hands have two things in them. His hands have scars where they were nailed to the cross (John 20:20) and His hands have names written on them. Your name. My name. Wow! Consider what Christ sacrificed for us, what pain He went through for us, and yet He still loves us with such tremendous love that He has our names written in His powerful hands.
As a kid, our son loved to play in paint. He never marked on walls, he always marked on himself. I would paint at my worktable while he would create with paint and markers at his tiny table beside me. When he would get too quiet, I would glance over to discover that his hands and body were colorful! As a teenager, he often wrote his school assignments or game times on his hands to remember. Today, as a professional illustrator, he always has paint on his hands.
When God instructed the Israelites to remember His commands – His words of life and love – He told them to write on themselves too. God wanted His people to remember Him and the glorious things He had done for them. He wanted to be their focus and their priority. To never be forgotten.

Follow my advice…treasure my commands…Tie them on your fingers as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart.
Proverbs 7:3 NLT
Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
Deuteronomy 6:8-9 NLT
Me, I sometimes have a paintbrush, knitting needle, book, or pen and paper in my hands. The question is: am I using them on behalf of God and His Kingdom - or not? How about you?
What I know is this: we are important to God. If He has scars on both hands because of us and if He has our names written beside those scars, we must be extremely valuable to Him. He has given His life for us and He carries our hopes, fears, joys and heartaches in His hands.
So, what is in our hands for Him?
Love and blessings for you this Easter season,

My dear Lord, I am in complete awe that You love me so completely that You suffered extreme pain on the cross for me. It seems unreal that you love me even now, in the middle of my messes, enough to have my name written in Your hands beside those nail scars. I am truly thankful for Your amazing grace and undeserved love. Please show me how I can use my hands to honor and praise You today. Amen.
