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Protestant prayer beads are a meaningful way to encourage prayer. They are a tool for prayer like a paintbrush is for painting or a needle is for sewing. These beads can help us focus on our Lord to keep our minds from wandering and our ears open to listen.

The beads begin with a cross, the symbol of Jesus’ amazing love and great sacrifice for us. Next is the Invitational Bead inviting us to worship and the Resurrection Bead reminding us that Christ has conquered death and deserves praise. The circle is composed of four Cruciform Beads in the shape of a cross with seven smaller beads between each which can remind us of whatever personal issues, concerns or people we choose to offer up to God.


Sometimes we need sacred things to hold on to and quiet, sacred spaces to spend time with our Lord. Prayer Beads are one way to enhance our prayer lives and help us create a deeper connection to our Lord. There is no wrong way to use them as long as we use them to pray!


(See the book A Bead and a Prayer by Kristen E. Vincent for more information on how to make and use Protestant Prayer Beads. She is the expert!)

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