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Seasons of Leaves and Life

Debra McInvale

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 NLT

As the leaves fall and winter sneaks up, I continue to consider age and purpose. The majority of leaves on our trees are tenaciously holding on to their branches, determined to not completely let go. And I am determined to hold on to a purposeful life no matter my season, age or circumstances.

We all have seasons. We began as babies, moved on to be kids, then teenagers. Before we knew it we were adults! What happened?! Time never stands still! Good or not so good, each season is meaningful in its own way. Each season helps us grow and moves us on to the next and the next.

When I hit the age of 45, my momma sat me down and boldly proclaimed that I had hit “middle-age”! Thanks, mom! I remember making plans, setting goals then. What would I do when I became 50? 60?

Have you considered which season of life you are in right now? Do you know the things that God wants you to focus on, to accomplish in this season? If you do, I’d love to hear your story!

This is a continuing quest for me - seeking purpose for the now and remaining focused on it. Sometimes the way is clear, but more often than not its confusing. Circumstances change. Focus wavers. I honestly do a bunch of wondering and praying whether I’m hearing God clearly or correctly. Is it just me that’s not listening or understanding?

Even though I long to remain focused on a reason for being, a purpose to serve each day, it’s way too easy to remain bogged down and distracted by the mundane of daily living. Do you find this so too? Its easier to stay focused on the things we must do to get by in this world. Its even easier to stay focused on ourselves – what we need, what we want, what we think. At least for me it is.

I know that God has a unique purpose for each of our lives. He tells us so all through Scripture. I know He has a plan for me today that He didn’t have 20 years ago and a different plan maybe 5 years from now that I cannot even imagine today – different purposes in different seasons.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD,

plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.

You will seek me and find me when you seek me

with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29:11-13 NIV

If we truly, intentionally choose to live out our God-inspired purposes, the best we can do is continue seeking God’s direction by staying in His Word and listening for His sweet whispers. Praying always. Then living for Him the best we can as we best understand Him. We won’t always get it right. However, I believe that, if our hearts are in the right place, He gives us credit for trying. At least I hope so!

The bulk of my own seasons on earth may be behind me, but I have promised to commit each of them to the Lord. And, you know what? No matter my age, the ones in front of me might just be the very best of all! I’m counting on it! How about you?

Hugs and blessings,


Lord, today I’m asking for direction and discernment. Where do You want me to go from here with my days? What should be the priorities in my life? You, yes. Family, yes. What else, where else would you have me focus and serve? Please help me set priorities for life that honor and glorify You. Amen.


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