Here in the North Georgia mountains, many leaves are letting go and softly, silently floating to the ground. The acorns, on the other hand, are slamming into the metal roof of the art studio. Thankfully, they’ve yet to bonk anybody on the head.
Every year, however, as I’ve watched the trees, a few leaves tenaciously refuse to let go. Letting go can be a positive thing for leaves and for us. When dying leaves turn loose, new life can slowly begin maturing in those barren-looking branches. When we turn loose of the unhealthy things in our lives, we have an opportunity to make space for our new as well.
We can all probably make lists of things we know we should get rid of. Right now, I’m trying to purge the house of stuff we no longer need. It is a major task! There is too much stuff in this house and the thought of all of it is weighing me down! I imagine I will feel freer and lighter when it’s all gone. But I’m not just talking about stuff.
Think bad habits, negative thoughts, old grudges. How about unforgiveness, worry, fear? Do we limit ourselves with our self-talk? Do we tell ourselves negative things like: “I can’t do that.” “I’m not smart enough.” “I’m not capable.” Are we hanging on to people who criticize or bring us down?
How are you limiting and weighing yourself down? What unneeded and unhealthy things in your life might need to be purged?
Words and thoughts shape our futures. They can side-track and destroy us if we let them. Or they can move mountains! Someone once said, “Don’t talk about your mountain. Talk to it!” Whatever mountains we are facing, God is right there with us. And He tells us in no uncertain terms to speak to it. Firmly. Seriously. In complete faith. Pray. And then walk it out.
Jesus was matter-of-fact:
Embrace this God-life. Really embrace it, and nothing will be too much for you.
This mountain, for instance: Just say, ‘Go jump in the lake’
– no shuffling or shilly-shallying – and it’s as good as done.
Mark 11:22-23 MSG
We can only really live one day at a time. And if we wish every day could be a best day, then what good can come out of living in the past or worrying about the future? What good can come out of limiting ourselves with attitudes, thoughts, habits, people, anything that discourages and brings us down?
It’s not easy to turn lose and let go though. I’m still struggling with some things on my list. I realize I must make an intentional choice to let go. Sometimes it’s a moment-by-moment thing for me. Somedays it’s an over-and-over moment-by-moment thing.
Yet, I believe that if we do let go and give Christ room to work in our lives, He will bless us with lives that are more healthy and days that are freer, lighter and new.
Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus…
Hebrews 12:1b-2a NIV
Go ahead. Make your own list of things to let go. Start early. You know you will make one come January 1st anyway. Why not go ahead and do it now?
Hugs and blessings,
Dear Lord, I know You long to help me live a freer and more abundant life, cut loose from those things that drag me down and make me less than You created me to be. Sometimes I don’t even realize those things that are hindering me. Please make me aware of them and give me the guts and wisdom to turn each of them lose. Thank you, Jesus! Amen